Latest Past Events

Buren Chapel AMEC Community Earth Day Festival

An invitation to the community to a new outdoor space that includes our expanded community garden and meditation garden. Planting flowers and vegetables, outdoor classes with community partners, University of Missouri, free hair cuts, BBQ, etc. We'll show off the newly updated grounds.


Rev. Heber Brown, III at The Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit and Vicinity, Inc.

Dexter Avenue Baptist Church of Detroit & Vicinity, Inc. 13500 Dexter Avenue, Detroit

Rev. Brown has been invited to preach and present at the regular meeting of The Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit and Vicinity, Inc. (The Council).  After preaching, he'll discuss The Black Church Food Security Network and why congregations should be engaged in the struggle for food security and food sovereignty.

Rev. Heber Brown, III’s Birthday!

Make a tax deductible donation to The Black Church Food Security Network in honor of our founder's birthday!  Our goal is to raise $10,000 this month to support the critical work of our organization! Website: Text To Give: Text "BlackChurchPower" to 44-321 PayPal: CashApp: $BCFSN Givelify: Give Lively: