How does my church join the Black Church Food Security Network?
Click here and fill out the membership form then sign up to attend one of our monthly Membership Information & Orientation Sessions. You will be advised of next steps during the virtual session.
If we become a member, does our church have to do all of the programs that you offer?
No. You pick the program that’s best suited to what your congregation is most interested in today and what you have the capacity to sustain.
Our church is not 100% African American. Can we join?
Yes! Our member churches are primarily majority African American in their racial makeup, however, we have racially mixed and white congregations that are either official members or support our mission in other ways as well. Our financial resources are reserved for majority Black congregations, however we are open to partnership with everyone that feels alignment with our values.
Are you a food charity organization?
No! We are not a direct service or food charity organization. We are committed to the principles of asset-based community development, communal self-determination and community organizing. Food is the medium that we utilize to help build power in the Black community believing that those closest to the problem are closest to the solution.
Do I need to be Christian to support this organization?
No! People of all faiths and those that do not identify with any religious practice support our organization in a variety of ways.
Why is "Black Church" in your name? Why not just the "Church Food Security Network?"
We center our work in the bosom of the Black Church because it is the oldest and most sustainable institution created by Black people. Since the late 1700’s with the establishment of the first Black churches and denominations, African American churches have provided spiritual, mental, physical, economic, and political support to the freedom dreams of the Black community. While not perfect, these institutions have “staying power” and have proven its ability to sustain itself over time while facing direct attacks. (arson, lynchings, assassination of its members, etc.).
What people, organizations or moments from history guide this work?
We are inspired by the work, legacy, and witness of numerous people and organizations including (but not limited to): Ella Baker, Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer and the Freedom Farm Cooperative, The Universal Negro Improvement Association, The Black Panther Party, The Southern Tenant Farmers Union and countless others.
What organizations are you a member of?
We are members of the National Black Food & Justice Alliance and The Farm Alliance of Baltimore. We also enjoy a very close relationship with Green The Church.
How is your work funded?
Our work is supported by the generous donations of hundreds of individuals from across the United States and the financial contributions of churches, denominations and grants from a small number of committed philanthropic partners including The Claneil Foundation, Meyer Foundation, The W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Kataly Foundation, Why Hunger, Thrivent Charitable and Schwab Charitable.
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A network of Black churches organized to advance health, wealth, and power for our people.