I had the most wonderful time at the 2024 Synod of the Shrines of the Black Madonna of the Pan African Orthodox Christian Church last month. This historic Christian denomination was founded by Rev. Albert Cleage, Jr. aka Jaramogi Abebe Agyeman in the mid 20th century.

My understanding of ministry and theological lens was greatly sharpened after reading Cleage’s books, The Black Messiah and Black Christian Nationalism: New Directions For The Black Church. So much of the inspiration for the work that I do today was sparked by this mighty man of God and this great church.

The current Bishop of the church, Jaramogi Kimathi Nelson, Lady Nelson and the entire membership were so warm and hospitable.

They invited me to be a panelist at the synod alongside Dr. Jifunza Wright-Carter, Baba Fred Carter and Akin Carter from Black Oaks Center and The Mighty Mama Hanifa Adjuman, longtime member of the Shrine and Education Director at the Detroit Black Community Food Sovereignty Network. We were invited to speak about land, farming, food and its relationship to Black liberation.

It was quite the conversation given the fact that this church owns approximately 4,000 acres of land making it the largest land-owning Black church in the United States!

I’m excited to be working with them to maximize stewardship of their sacred lands.

But it wasn’t all work and no play. These beautiful people know how to have a good time!

We danced (shout out to Lady Nailah Nelson who showed me a thing or two on the dance floor!), enjoyed a fashion show, had good food and so much laughter.

I have declared myself a “watchcare member” of The Shrines of the Black Madonna of the Pan African Orthodox Christian Church.

I can’t wait to share more about how we’re working together around land, food and justice.


Rev. Heber Brown, III