We are fortunate to be in partnership with an organization called Out For Justice (OFJ). This organization was founded by a group of formerly incarcerated individuals who were ready and willing to work but repeatedly denied employment due to their criminal record. With the support of justice-impacted individuals, their friends, and their family members, OFJ strives to bring about policy reform that ends employment barriers and perpetual punishment that adversely affects citizens impacted by the criminal legal system.

Out For Justice, in partnership with the Black Church Food Security Network, recently launched a Climate and Environmental Justice Fellowship program to offer Baltimore-based individuals impacted by the criminal legal system with the opportunity to enhance their skills in relational organizing, advocacy, and campaigning. This 9-week paid fellowship aims to empower formerly incarcerated or directly impacted individuals who are committed to learning and leading initiatives at the intersection of criminal and environmental justice in Maryland.

On Friday, August 30, 2024, after two weeks of leading sessions about food justice, we took the group of Fellows to two Baltimore city grocery stores – one in an impoverished, Black neighborhood and the other in an economically affluent, majority White neighborhood.  We wanted to put on display the stark differences in food environment that exists depending on race and economic standing.  We created space for the group to discuss what more we can do to ensure that every community has access to quality food and agency over their neighborhood’s food environment.

Check out these pictures from our grocery store field trip.